Seniors USA History Trip 2018

Bridgewater USA history trip

The 2018 USA history trip proved a memorable experience for both students and staff, who together embarked on an unforgettable exploration of some of America’s most iconic landmarks, cultural destinations and sites of great historical interest.

Starting in Washington, pupils enjoyed a packed itinerary, with the opportunity to visit Ford’s Theatre, The White House and Washington Memorials, before taking in a tour of the Capitol and a visit to the National Holocaust Museum.

The eight day winter trip then took pupils on a journey to Philadelphia, home to the ‘Rocky’ steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Museum of the American Revolution and site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, before heading to New York City.

Highlights from the final leg of the trip included the 9/11 Memorial, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, The Empire State Building, Times Square, National History Museum and Wall Street, to name but a few.

The USA trip forms part of the school’s extensive extra-curricular and enrichment programme, providing students with a myriad of experiences beyond the classroom.

To view photographs from the trip, please visit our Facebook page.

Pupils' experiences are enriched by an extensive range of visits and extra-curricular activities, locally, regionally and internationally.

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