2020 GCSE Virtual Artwork Exhibition

Bridgewater School 2020 Year 11 GCSE Artwork Exhibition

Here at Bridgewater School, we believe that success and happiness go hand in hand. The emphasis we place upon achievement and the celebration of success in all areas of school life makes all the difference. Which explains why so many of our young individuals go on to make so much of their lives.

This year, the global pandemic has meant we have had to cancel some of these opportunities for celebration, including our annual art exhibition which showcases the artistic endeavours of our wonderfully dedicated and talented students.

Whilst our showcase event cannot take place, we fully believe that the creative efforts of our Year 11 GCSE students deserve to be celebrated, therefore we have created a virtual display of their artwork. We invite you to take a look.


Our highly experienced teaching team is committed to bringing hidden talent and undiscovered potential out into the light.

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