Independent School Association (ISA) Essay Competition 2018 Winner

Congratulations go to our extremely creative author, Anna Redfern  (Year 10) who has won the first prize in the National ISA  Favonius Senior Essay Writing Competition. Mrs Strang, Head of

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Aiming High!

Teachers, parents and pupils joined together at our Annual Prize Giving Ceremony last Thursday to share some of the highlights of 2016/17 and the amazing achievements of pupils and staff

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Anyone for tennis?

Matthew Dagg (Yr 9) hasn’t been letting the grass grow underneath his feet over the long summer holidays and as a result is celebrating winning The Northern Summer Tennis Camp

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A heartfelt, thoughtful tribute

Already a talented artist, eleven year old Stanley Middlemiss (Prep VI) of Bridgewater School, Worsley was so moved by the recent events at Manchester Arena that he wanted to put

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What Sheilah did next ……

One of our alumni recently took the time to update the school on their achievements since leaving – and more specifically their involvement in an award winning research project. Sheilah

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Meet Our Expeditionary Sixth Formers!

Ten of our intrepid sixth form students will be taking part in a two week expedition to Tanzania in July 2018. It’s an extraordinary and unforgettable opportunity for them to

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A great place to make new friends!

Our new colourful ‘Buddy Bench’ has now been installed in the large playground after sterling fundraising efforts by our PTA. The idea is that children who are not feeling particularly

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Diary of our Musical Theatre London Trip

By Year 7 students, Sophie Hogan and Aduke Opeyemi. Day 1: An Exciting Start The London trip was certainly a trip we will remember. It was full of fun-filled memories

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Year 9 student makes golfing history

At Bridgewater School we are incredibly proud of our students’ achievements both in and out of the classroom. One shining example is the golfing success of Year 9 student Toby

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Key Stage 1 pupils present Aladdin KIDS

The summer term was an exciting time for our Key Stage 1 pupils as they showcased their budding performance skills in a super production of Disney’s Aladdin KIDS. This special adaptation of

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The Bridge – student magazine

We are excited to announce the launch of our new student editorial magazine, ‘The Bridge’. Our dedicated and enthusiastic student editorial team, led by Sixth Form’s Dalia Yousif and Joseph

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