Annual Citizenship Day 2018

Bridgewater School recently hosted the annual Rotary Club Citizenship Day with a number of our pupils participating in activities with students from other local schools aimed at increasing their awareness

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Success at Salter’s Chemistry Festival

Yesterday, four of our year 8’s (Evan, Lilia, Alexandra and James) attended Salter’s Chemistry Festival at the University of Manchester along with eighteen other schools from across the North West.

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Master’s grade for Bridgewater School’s karate instructor

Bridgewater School Shotokan Karate Club has been honoured by the Cobra Martial Art Association Grading Committee, which has promoted Mr Grant, the club instructor, to the grade of 6th Dan (rokudan),

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Sixth Form Tanzania Expedition 2018

Some of our Sixth Form students have recently enjoyed a ‘practice run’ for their eagerly anticipated expedition to Tanzania later in the summer term. The purpose of the weekend was to

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Annabel Yr 12

Annual Music and Art Exhibition Showcase in aid of St Ann’s Hospice

Tickets are going fast for our annual Music and Art Showcase Evening in aid of St.Ann’s Hospice this Thursday 24th May from 5.45 to 7pm. With a multitude of talent

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Independent School Association (ISA) Essay Competition 2018 Winner

Congratulations go to our extremely creative author, Anna Redfern  (Year 10) who has won the first prize in the National ISA  Favonius Senior Essay Writing Competition. Mrs Strang, Head of

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Bridgewater and Broadoak Primary School join together to solve the crime!

Bridgewater School welcomed Year 6 pupils from nearby Broadoak School, Worsley today for an afternoon of science fun! Using an array of science equipment and CSI techniques, children had to

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Prep Magazine Winter 2017/18

Well done to our Prep. Magazine team, who have worked hard to produce this term’s edition of the magazine, showcasing work produced by the children all across the department.  Enjoy!

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Prep Head Boy makes Halle Choir

Lyall Rowland in Prep VI has a had a fantastic year to date. Not only is he our current ‘Head Boy’ for the Prep School but he has also been

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Lessons from Auschwitz

Chloe Povey, one of our Yr 12 Sixth Formers, has recently participated in a life changing project. Organised by the Holocaust  Educational Trust, the ‘Lessons from Auschwitz’ project aims to

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Phil and Paul from ‘Class of 92’ help with football training

Kindly organised by one of our parents, Mr Tony Camilleri, our Under 16’s Football Team enjoyed a fabulous opportunity to meet with football idols Paul Scholes and Phil Neville for

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En Garde!

Fencing has proved to be a very popular extra-curricular sport at Bridgewater School with a number of our pupils and in the case of one of our Year 11 students,

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Fantastic fundraising – ‘Wear it Pink Day’ for Breast Cancer Research

Another successful fund-raising event organised by Bridgewater School Sixth Form – a fantastic £404.19. Great team effort!!!  

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Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2017  – Deadline 3rd November!!!

We’re kicking off our annual Christmas Shoe Box Appeal here at Bridgewater School to help some of the world’s most vulnerable children – many of whom will receive no other

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Biology Week 2017 – 9th to 13th October

We have some exciting activities planned for next week to help inspire and ignite a love of science throughout the whole school.

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Harvest Festival 2017

A great opportunity for our younger pupils to understand that there are many people less fortunate within our community and to give thanks for what we have. St Mark’s Church,

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Macmillan Cake and Coffee morning 2017 – £736.56 raised!

Great result for our Cake and Coffee morning organised by our very able and organised Sixth Former’s – they raised a fantastic £736.56 for Macmillan Cancer Support…our younger children were

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Aiming High!

Teachers, parents and pupils joined together at our Annual Prize Giving Ceremony last Thursday to share some of the highlights of 2016/17 and the amazing achievements of pupils and staff

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A cut and thrust world!

Cormac Sale from Heaton, Bolton is proving a force to be reckoned with on the fencing circuit. At only 14 years old he is already the very proud owner of

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Double success for former pupils

Former pupils, Maddy and Ali Hannant, have been celebrating their double successes this year following graduation from their respective universities, as well as moving onto the next exciting stage of

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Celebrating Achievement – our Annual Prize Giving Ceremony 2017

We love to celebrate the achievements and successes of all our pupils throughout the school. Excitement is mounting for our annual Prize Giving Ceremony on Thursday 28th September at Victoria

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29th September 9am to 2pm – Cake & Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support

Once again we’d love to invite you to our school Cake and Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Pop along to Bridgewater School Prep Hall on Friday 29th

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Jack ‘The Fish’ Delaney

Jack Delaney Yr 7 has a huge passion for everything and anything to do with the sea. From an early age he has been a swimming daredevil – diving off

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Fun in the sun today for our little ones

Great to see our new Kindergarten and Reception Classes already settling in, making new friends and having a great time in the sun!

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Anyone for tennis?

Matthew Dagg (Yr 9) hasn’t been letting the grass grow underneath his feet over the long summer holidays and as a result is celebrating winning The Northern Summer Tennis Camp

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GCSE results 2017

Congratulations to our Year 11 students on their GCSE successes.  With the added challenge of a changing curriculum and grading system in the core subjects of Maths and English in

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Prom 2017

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2017 A Level results – 100% pass rate again!!!

We are proud and delighted to announce that once again our students have achieved 100% pass rate at A-level! Over half of all grades are A*-B and a quarter are

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Children’s artwork on display at the Trafford Centre

Artwork by a number of children in Bridgewater’s Prep School has just gone on display for the summer in the window of the John Lewis store in the Trafford Centre.

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Mr Barker – our very own ‘Ironman!’

Mr Barker, our very own Deputy Head of the senior school at Bridgewater, has had plenty to celebrate last weekend after taking part in the ‘Ironman’ contest in Bolton. ‘The

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Exemplary behaviour by our pupils

Students from Bridgewater recently enjoyed a sports activities trip to Club La Santa, Lanzarote. The school received the following email from a passenger on the return flight regarding the conduct

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Shotguns at the ready!

Senior pupils at Bridgewater School have recently been enjoying the experience of Clay Pigeon shooting encouraged by our very own Emma Williams, former President of the University of York’s Clay

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Yr 8 visit to Central Gurdwara Manchester

Bridgewater School Yr 8 pupils recently enjoyed a visit to Central Gurdwara in Manchester – a Sikh temple – as part of their religious education/studies. A Gurdwara is a place

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“You’re hired!” – Yr 8 Enterprise Challenge

Just two hours to form a team, allocate roles, design a new product and roll out to market with a sparkling presentation to boot! Sound familiar? Yr 8 students totally

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Fantastic ‘bouldering’ skills demonstrated by YRs 7 and 8

Some of our YR 7 and 8 pupils have been enjoying the challenges of ‘Bouldering’ this year as an extra curricular activity. Bouldering is rock climbing stripped down to its raw

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A heartfelt, thoughtful tribute

Already a talented artist, eleven year old Stanley Middlemiss (Prep VI) of Bridgewater School, Worsley was so moved by the recent events at Manchester Arena that he wanted to put

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A natural star in the making!

Eight year old Joe Corcoran is a memorable face in and around Bridgewater School, Worsley.  Highly energetic, outgoing, gregarious and friendly, Joe is a popular member of Prep III. By

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Bridgewater blazer treads the boards!

Our Bursars Office is always a hive of activity and we have a long history of dealing with the more unusual requests made of Bridgewater School! Our latest request has

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Launch of our 200 Club

Welcome to the 200 Club – the perfect chance to win cash prizes while raising money for Bridgewater School which will be used to help fund additional equipment, resources and opportunities

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100% Outstanding for local accountancy student

Recently sitting her AAT level 3 Advanced Diploma in Accounting at Salford City College, Emma Elsey of Worsley managed to achieve an outstanding 100% on one of her papers with

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Mia beats 1,500 others in national creative writing competition

Mia Fraser (YR 8) recently achieved outstanding success in a national creative writing competition organised by the National Literacy Trust in partnership with Routledge publishers. The National Literacy Trust is

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Fantastic fund-raising efforts by pupils, parents and staff!

Here at Bridgewater, we understand the importance of families and ‘giving something back’ and so we’d just like to say a big shout out THANK YOU to all our pupils,

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Samuel is quick off the mark!

Samuel Ashadu (age 11) and his younger brother Ethan (age 10) are both keen members of Salford Metropolitan Athletics Club in Eccles. Last weekend Samuel competed in the Greater Manchester

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One to watch for a future England team left footer!

Alfie Turley (Prep III) has been selected to represent Manchester City Football Club in the 2009 Age Category on the Pichouns Tour to be held in Marseille, as well as

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Brain Tumours – signs to be aware of…

After successfully raising significant funds during our recent Egg Roll/Wear a Hat Day we would like to continue to raise awareness of the fight against brain tumours. If people are aware

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Beware the dangers of swimming in canals in hot weather!

Children are frequently warned about the dangers of swimming in canals and quarries in the hot weather….looks like someone needs to get the message out there to the local wildlife!

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Animal lovers to the rescue!

What a week its been at Bridgewater School for helping animals! Mrs Booth (Prep IV Teacher) and Finance Manager, Mrs Rebecca Johnson arrived at school to find a cat lying

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How much are you getting?

Mrs Purchase delivered this thought provoking assembly on sleep to the Senior School. We’d like to share it with the whole school, parents and wider community. SLEEP

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Music and Art Showcase in aid of St Ann’s Hospice

As our academic year draws to a close, we will be hosting our annual Art Exhibition featuring the fabulous work of our final year students alongside our Music Showcase on Tuesday, 23rd

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An Evening with Will Farmer from the BBC Antiques Roadshow

Members of the Inner Wheel Club of Worsley are hosting an event featuring Will Farmer of BBC Antiques Roadshow fame at Bridgewater School in aid of various local charities on

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What Sheilah did next ……

One of our alumni recently took the time to update the school on their achievements since leaving – and more specifically their involvement in an award winning research project. Sheilah

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Giant ‘soggy’ Wiggle Walk raises almost £1K for Action for Children!!!

Our fantastic Kindergarten and Reception classes took part in a sponsored Giant Wiggle in aid of the charity ‘Action for Children’.  The children donned an item of green clothing and

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Tanzania Expedition 2018

Planning is well underway for our Sixth Formers Tanzania Expedition in the Summer of 2018. Participants have been working on a number of team-building exercises to help them to develop

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Move over Philip Treacy!

Our EYFS and Prep children pulled out all the stops with their myriad of wonderful hat creations to rival anything on the catwalk. Bunnies, chicks, eggs and feathers prevailed with

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Prep V & the Barney & Echo Internet Safety Roadshow

Five Prep V pupils spent the day at the Barney and Echo Internet Safety Roadshow at the AJ Bell Stadium. For those who don’t know, the Barney and Echo books

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Diary of our Musical Theatre London Trip

By Year 7 students, Sophie Hogan and Aduke Opeyemi. Day 1: An Exciting Start The London trip was certainly a trip we will remember. It was full of fun-filled memories

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Year 9 student makes golfing history

At Bridgewater School we are incredibly proud of our students’ achievements both in and out of the classroom. One shining example is the golfing success of Year 9 student Toby

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Key Stage 1 pupils present Aladdin KIDS

The summer term was an exciting time for our Key Stage 1 pupils as they showcased their budding performance skills in a super production of Disney’s Aladdin KIDS. This special adaptation of

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The Bridge – student magazine

We are excited to announce the launch of our new student editorial magazine, ‘The Bridge’. Our dedicated and enthusiastic student editorial team, led by Sixth Form’s Dalia Yousif and Joseph

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